Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Allergic to Harry Potter...

So I have never been a huge Harry Potter fan. I never read any of the books or saw any of the movies. I know a few details here and there from friends who love the series. (Who kick me and punch at me when I tell them that I am allergic to Harry Potter)

Recently I got a pocket watch necklace that everyone kept asking "Oh is that a time turner?" and being the type of Harry Potter fan I am, I had NO IDEA what they were talking about. So I smiled and nodded.

Then a few buddies at work explained to me the connection, and I said no it wasn't, but at Otakon where I got the necklace someone had made a watch that looked like the snitch from... from...

and as I struggled to recall the name of the sport I said "Err... Squidditch..."

It's Quidditch, I've been told.

But this, this is Squidditch.


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